Brand transformation for the world’s leading premium glass bead manufacturer, Weissker. Our creative direction is rooted  in the retroreflective effect of these tiny virgin glass beads that find themselves in the fabric of our every-day life. We produced static and animated versions of the new logotype, a bold new colour palette, typographic styling, a website using three.js and custom graphics for individual product categories.

We crafted an entirely new brand universe for Weissker across digital and physical environments including an interactive website and a  new suite of collateral comprising corporate stationary, brochure and product fact sheets. Referencing the ‘micospheres’, the brochure features exquisite die-cut layering to reveal product specifications on specially selected stocks. 

The culmination of the project was relaunching the Weissker brand at their annual trade show, Intertaffic Worldwide Amsterdam. Our live experience and stand design includes a striking 8-metre 'glass bead bar' and video walls with custom motion graphics that we created to showcase each of their 4 products.

Weissker Brochure